Sen. Bernie Sanders in June.

Photo: saul loeb/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Regarding your editorial “Bernie Sanders Runs Out of Billionaires” (Aug. 31): Have we forgotten that only a few years ago, the Vermont senator’s goal was to run out of millionaires? But as luck would have it, his book sales and his salary put him in the millionaire class, so now he focuses on chastising billionaires for not paying their fair share. Hypocrisy is so much a part of those who live the subsidized life in Washington.

Robert V. Iosue

York, Pa.

Your editorial is spot on but the point is ignored entirely by the left. The top 10% provide investment and subsequent employment opportunities that expand the economy. According to the Tax Policy Center, about 61% of American households—more than 100 million of them—paid no federal individual income tax in 2020. Admittedly, it was an unusual year because of Covid, even factoring in a social safety net for those at the bottom of the income scale. But 61% is a very high number, and it is expected to fall only to 57% this year. When Sen. Sanders talks about paying a fair share, why does he never mention those who pay no federal income tax?

Matt Segal

Cary, N.C.